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AirMeasure - 增强现实测量套件

AirMeasure - 增强现实测量套件
  • 类型:工具
  • 语言:"EN", "FR", "DE", "JA", "KO", "RU", "ZH", "ES"
  • 评分:4.628
  • 厂商:Laan Labs
  • 是否收费:¥8.00
  • 更新时间:2024-01-23 16:05:29
  • 标签: 娱乐 工具
应用介绍 应用截图 相关版本 推荐合集 相关文章

AirMeasure?是终极的增强现实测量工具套件,具有超过15种独特模式,可创建最精确的测量结果。(以前称为“AR Measure”)这款应用具有丰富功能,它包含的工具让你可以测量任何东西——从小物件到房间尺寸,再到遥远的建筑物和结构,甚至可以测量人! 为了帮助你完成与测量相关的任务,我们绑定了额外的工具,例如:可添加到任何墙壁或表面的激光水平仪;用于在3D空间内绘制或标记物体的画笔;以及摆满虚拟家具、可以在房间里预览的目录册。


AirMeasure? is The Ultimate Augmented Reality Measuring ToolKit with over 15+ unique modes to create the most accurate measurements possible. ( Formerly named 'AR Measure' )

Loaded with features, the app includes tools that let you measure anything from small items, to room dimensions, to faraway buildings & structures - even people too! We’ve bundled additional tools to help with your measuring-related tasks, such as: laser levels that can be added to any wall or surface; brushes for drawing or marking things in 3D space; and a catalog filled with virtual furniture you can preview in a room.


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